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Gregory Joseph Lobo
In Defence of Open Societies
Anders als Denken
Alibri, 2024
111 Seiten, kartoniert
10,00 €

Nationism: In Defence of Open Societies is an intense, transdisciplinary work of philosophical anthropology, drawing widely on key insights from sociology, cultural, gender, literary and film studies, discourse and political theory, social psychology, ethology, and the latest developments in biology, neuroscience, evolutionary theory. Encompassing current events, popular culture, and the culture wars, it will enlighten, enrage (consider this your trigger warning) and enthuse not only academic readers but all those interested in the quandaries and dilemmas facing us today – and our possibilities for a better, more humane, democratic and free future. It will convert many of its readers from supporters (or even critics) of open society, to advocates for the proliferation of open societies.

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